Presentations (video)

Video recordings of presentations

A recording of the Center for Advanced Tourism Studies (CATS) Lecture on “Digital transformations of tourism and related community impacts”, which took place on 13 March 2024. Moderated by Associate Professor Meng Qu, at CATS, at Hokkaido University, Japan.

A recording of my keynote presentation at the 31st Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research, hosted by ETOUR at Midsweden University (Östersund, Sweden) 19-21 September 2023, can be found by clicking on the image below or here:abd


A recording of the B’AI Global Forum Lecture by myself and Dr. Richard Carter-White on “Embodiment, Deferral and (Dis)inhibition: Learning and Teaching Geography with VR”, which took place on December 6, 2022. Moderated by Yuko Itatsu, Professor at the Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo.


A recording of the webinar “Accessibility and Inclusive Tourism in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic” that I moderated and organized on behalf of the NOUTUR Research Group at the Open University of Catalonia in Spain, on 18 October, 2022. Speakers include: Mònica Cerdán Chiscano, Simon Darcy, Kristin Godtman Kling, Dimitri Ioannides and Veroniek Maat.

A recording of the webinar about the special issue “Tourism geographies in the Asian Century” in Tourism Geographies, which includes a reflection by Claudio Minca and myself on our 2019 publication “Becoming Airbnbeings. On datafication and the quantified Self in tourism”  (from 1:46:30 onwards). Organized by the guest editors Harng Luh Sin, Mary Mostafanezhad & Joseph M. Cheer (at Wakayama University, Center for Tourism Research).