Commentaries, reports, reviews, and translations

2023    Roelofsen, M., and Cruz, de Cássia Ariza da, R. “Commentary: Denialist and Neoliberal Approaches to Tourism and the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Tourism Geographies, 25(6), 1630–1637.

2023    Webster, N. A., Zhang, Q., Butler, O., Christensen, M. D., Duus, K., Floros, K., Kusk, K., & Roelofsen, M. Thinking through digital mediations and spatialities of platform based work: A roundtable reflection. Kulturgeografiskt Seminarium 2023:1. Stockholm University, Department of Human Geography. Sweden

2021    Roelofsen, M., and Minca, C. “Alojamientos desinfectados y cuerpos sanos: reflexiones sobre la respuesta de Airbnb a la pandemia.” [Spanish translation of the original article “Sanitized homes and healthy bodies. Reflections on Airbnb’s response to the pandemic”] Oikonomics 15 (May).

2020    Roelofsen, M. “A review of: The future of Airbnb and the ‘sharing economy’. the collaborative consumption of our cities.” Tourism Geographies, 23 (5-6) 1141-­1143.

2017    Roelofsen, M., and Peters, K. “‘Het was gewoon vanzelfsprekend.’ Over sociale netwerken, corpslidmaatschap en vrouwelijkheid.” [Dutch translation of the original article “Doing femininity and respectability: Social networks and social capital among female members of Dutch student organizations”] Vrijetijdstudies 1 (35) 21–31.