This page lists my (co-authored) journal articles. Whenever you click on the title of the publication you should be automatically redirected to a copy of the publication. Should you run into a pay wall for any of these, please drop me an email and I am happy to send you a copy. Alternatively, check my or Researchgate page where you may find a pre-print version.
- Tuomi, A., Jianu, B., Hua, M., Roelofsen, M., & Ascenção, M. P. “Strategies for communicating and mitigating algorithmic control on delivery platforms”. Convergence, 13548565241270908.
- Lin, C.-C. T., & Roelofsen, M. “Feminist tourism geographies as reflected in their emergent histories”. Tourism Geographies, 1–14.
- Garay Tamajón, L., and Roelofsen, M. “Tourism content on Twitter (X) during a crisis”. Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights 5(2) 100132.
- Minca C., and Roelofsen, M. 2023 Post-COVID biopolitical fantasies and the case of the Dutch ‘Pilot Holidays’. Environment and Planning C.
- Iaquinto, B.L., Cheer, J.M., and Roelofsen, M. 2023 Coercive geographies: Biopower, spatial politics, and the tourist.” Environment and Planning C.
- Tuomi, A., Jianu, B., Roelofsen, M. and Passos Ascencao, M. 2023 Riding against the algorithm: Algorithmic management in on-demand food delivery.” In: Ferrer-Rosell, B., Massimo, D., Berezina, K. (eds) Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2023. ENTER 2023. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Cham: Springer.
- Roelofsen M., and Carter-White, R. 2022 Virtual reality as a spatial prompt in geography learning and teaching. Geographical Research, 60 (4), 625–636. ht
tps:// 5871.12551 - Fischer, S.L. & Roelofsen, M. 2022. Accommodating guests during pandemic times: a case-study of the Airbnb Host Community in Aarhus, Denmark. Journal of Tourism Futures.
- Roelofsen, M. & Minca, C. 2021. Sanitized homes and healthy bodies. Reflections on Airbnb’s response to the pandemic. Oikonomics 15 (May).
- Roelofsen, M. & Minca, C. 2021. Alojamientos desinfectados y cuerpos sanos: reflexiones sobre la respuesta de Airbnb a la pandemia. Oikonomics 15 (May).
- Roelofsen, M. 2020. A review of: The Future of Airbnb and the ‘Sharing Economy’. The Collaborative Consumption of Our Cities. Tourism Geographies.
- Minca, C. & Roelofsen, M. 2019. Becoming Airbnbeings: on datafication and the quantified Self in tourism. Tourism Geographies.
- Roelofsen, M. 2018. Exploring the socio-spatial inequalities of Airbnb in Sofia, Bulgaria Erdkunde 74(4) 313–327.
- Roelofsen, M. & Minca, C. 2018. The Superhost. Biopolitics, home and community in the Airbnb dream-world of global hospitality. Geoforum 91: 170-181. DOI: 10.1016/j.geoforum.2018.02.021
- Roelofsen, M. 2018. Performing “home” in the sharing economies of tourism. The Airbnb experience in Sofia, Bulgaria. Fennia 196(1) 24–42. DOI: 10.11143/fennia.66259
- Roelofsen, M. & Peters, K. 2017. “Het was gewoon vanzelfsprekend.” Over lidmaatschap van het corps, sociale netwerken en vrouwelijkheid. Vrijetijdstudies 1:35, 21-31.
- Roelofsen, M. & Peters, K. 2015. Doing femininity and respectability: social networks and social capital among female members of Dutch student organisations. Leisure Studies 36(33): 341-356. DOI: 10.1080/02614367.2015.1105860