Invited keynotes, lectures and seminars

2024    Invited lecture at the Department of Sociology and Human Geography at Paris Lodron Salzburg Universität, Austria on “Home and Housework in Platform-mediated Tourism”, 16 October 2024.

2024    Invited lecture (online) at the Center for Advanced Tourism Studies (CATS) at Hokkaido University, Japan on “Digital transformations of tourism and related community impacts”, 13 March 2024. Video available here.

2023    Keynote “Situating the Digital Turn in Tourism”, 31st Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research, Midsweden University, Sweden, 19 and 20 September.

2023    Keynote “Transnational mobilities and place change: enacting cosmopolitization”, EU Horizon 2020 project SMARTDEST Conference, Spain, 15 September.

2023    Workshop on “The Digital Turn in Tourism” in the postgraduate course “Geografia del turismo”, Department of Humanities, University of Trieste, Italy, 4 and 5 May

2022    Invited presentation at the Beyond AI Global Forum on “Embodiment, Deferral and (Dis)inhibition: Learning and Teaching Geography with VR”, University of Tokyo, Japan,  6 December, together with Dr. Richard Carter-White. Video available here.

2022    Guest lecture on “Platform Economies in Tourism: Airbnb, COVID-19, and Policymaking” in the Postgraduate course “Geography of Tourism Policies and Innovation”, International University of Languages and Media, Italy, 19 October.

2022    Invited presentation in the workshop “We have got a file on you! Datafication and quantification in academia and beyond!”. Title presentation: “A visceral approach to the datafication of productivity and wellbeing in the academy”, together with Dr. Trista Chin Chen Lin. Center for Space, Place and Society, Wageningen University, the Netherlands, 8 September.

2022    Invited seminar on “Tourism, Housing and Home” in the event “Urban Inequalities: from the Right to the City to the Conquest of Power”. Association KOI Collective for Social Interventions, Bulgaria, sponsored by the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung. 17–19 June.

2022    Invited lecture on “Undertaking a research project: Research ideas, research design, methodology and ethics” in the BA International Hospitality Management. Dania Academy, Denmark, 2 June.

2022    Guest lecture on “Digital Tourism” in the postgraduate course “Geografia del turismo”, Department of Humanities, University of Trieste, Italy, 14 April

2022    Guest lecture on “Platforms and Tourism” in the postgraduate course “Geography of Tourism”, Department of History and Cultures, University of Bologna, Italy, 1 March.

2022    Invited seminar presentation on “Divisions of platform labour at home: re-thinking social reproduction in Airbnb households” in the seminar Shifting labour relations and production in the platform economy. Urban Transformation and Global Change Laboratory, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain, 26 January.

2021    Invited symposium on “Applying visual methods in research”, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain, 25 May.

2020    Invited seminar together with Prof. Claudio Minca “Becoming Airbnbeings: the practices and politics of datafication in the platform economies of tourism”, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain, 10 December.

2020    Online guest lecture on “The Role of Digital Technologies in Tourism and Heritage” in the undergraduate course “Tourism and Heritage”, Department of Geography and Planning, Macquarie University, Australia, 7 September.

2020    Online guest lecture on “Sharing Economies and the City” in the undergraduate course “Urban Economies”, Department of Geography and Planning, Macquarie University, Australia, 7 September.

2020    Guest lecture on “Platform Economies and Cultural Tourism” in the postgraduate course Sport, Tourism and Geography, Degree programme Wellness Culture: Sport, Health And Tourism. University of Bologna, Italy

2020    Guest lecture on “Platform Economies and Cultural Tourism” in the postgraduate “European Cultural Routes” course, Center for Advanced Studies in Tourism, University of Bologna, Italy, 16 April.

2020    Guest lecture on “Città, turismo e economia delle piattaforme” in the postgraduate “Urban Geography” course – Department of History and Cultures, University of Bologna, Italy, 8 April.

2020    Guest lecture on “The impacts of digital platforms on tourism spaces and places” for MSc Tourism, Society and Environment, Cultural Geography Group, Wageningen University, the Netherlands, 22 January.

2019    Guest lecture on “The impacts of digital platforms on tourism spaces and places” for MSc Hospitality and Tourism Management, International University of Languages and Media, Milan, Italy, 11 November.

2019    Guest lecture on “Tourism and the Anthropocene” in the Living in the Anthropocene Postgraduate course, Department of Geography and Planning, Macquarie University, Australia, 21 May.

2019    Guest lecture on “Cities, tourism and the sharing economy” in the Sustainable Urban Regions Postgraduate course, Department of Geography and Planning, Macquarie University, Australia, 21 May.

2019    Guest lecture on “Tourism, the sharing economy, and planning” in the Urban Strategic Planning undergraduate course, Department of Geography and Planning, Macquarie University, Australia, 6 May.

2019    Guest lecture on “The Sharing Economy and Tourism Experiences” for MSc Leisure, Tourism and Environment, Cultural Geography Group, Wageningen University, the Netherlands, 23 January.

2019    Invited Seminar on “Hospitality, Home and Life in the Sharing Economy of Tourism” at Café Geographique, Department of Geography, University of Potsdam, Germany, 14 January.

2019    Presentation on “The Future/End of Cultural Tourism?” in the Tourism and Leisure PhD programme, with Prof. Claudio Minca. Department of Geography, University Rovira i Virgili, Spain 11 January.

2018    Guest lecture “Cities, tourism and the sharing economy” in the Sustainable Urban Regions Postgraduate course, Department of Geography and Planning, Macquarie University, Australia, 6 September.

2018    Guest lecture on “The Sharing Economy and Tourism Experiences” for the MSc Leisure, Tourism and Environment, Cultural Geography Group, Wageningen University, the Netherlands, 16 January.

2017    Guest lecture on “Cities, tourism and the sharing economy” in the Sustainable Urban Regions Postgraduate course, Department of Geography and Planning, Macquarie University, Australia, 4 September.

2016    Presentation on “The Geographies of the Sharing Economy” in the Graduate program “Integrated Human Sciences Program for Cultural Diversity”, Tokyo University, Japan, 29 November.

2016    Guest lecture on “Rating Place, Rating Self” for 3rd year undergraduate students at the College of Tourism, Rikkyo University, Japan, 28 November.

2016    Invited Lunch Lecture on “Tourism’s Sharing Economies” at the College of Tourism, Rikkyo University, Japan, 14 December.

2014    Guest lecture on “Research Methodologies in Leisure, Tourism & Environment” for the MSc Leisure, Tourism and Environment, Cultural Geography Group, Wageningen University, the Netherlands, 3 March.

2013    Guest lecture on “Advanced Methods and Techniques in Leisure, Tourism & Environment”  for the MSc Leisure, Tourism and Environment, Cultural Geography Group, Wageningen University, the Netherlands, 24 January.