An interview Interview for the Danish newspaper Politiken on Airbnb’s development in Denmark: “Forsker kalder den oprindelige idé genial. Men nu kaster ferieboligplatformen Airbnb vrede af sig [transl. Researchers call the original idea brilliant. But now the vacation rental platform Airbnb is throwing its wrath away]. 21 September 2024. Online in Danish.
An audio recording of a radio interview that I gave on the topic of “Workations” for BNR (Business News Radio) in the Netherlands. You can listen to the interview here from minute 9:12 onward:
<< Airbnb has provoked people to reconsider the meaning of home >>
10 October 2022
It was good fun to be interviewed by journalist Cristina Sáez Torres on my new book “Hospitality, Home and Life in the Platform Economies of Tourism”. Among other questions, Cristina asked me about the meaning of ‘Airbnb shame’, which some hosts and guests experience at times. We also spoke about the changing meaning of home in the Airbnb economy and the role that housework and care play in that.
The article has been published in Catalan: Spanish: : and the English translation can be found on the second half of each page:
<< Don’t judge me! Airbnb and the reputation economy>>
16 March 2020
This interview was published online and in MQ Lighthouse, Macquarie University’s in-house and online publisher of world-changing research news, expert comment and data-backed opinion.
<< Forschung im Gästenzimmer [transl. Research in the Living Room] >>
27 November 2015
This article, which features a full page interview with me on my PhD research, appeared in the Austrian newspaper Die Presse. Online and print.
<< Die Welt im Wohnzimmer [transl. The World in the Living Room] >>
17 June 2015
This article considers the research that I carried out during my PhD. Published on the Universität Graz news page. Online and print.
Studie zu neuer Form von Übernachtungen. Kleine Zeitung “Helle Köpfe”. 18 June 2015.
These online/printed news paper articles are about students (including myself) receiving the Rudi Roth Award for their outstanding theses focussing on South-Eastern and Eastern Europe:
- Rudi Roth fördert Studierende der Uni Graz. Online Universität Graz. 10 June 2015.
- Rudi Roth fördert Studierende mit 10.000 Euro. Weekend.at. 10 June 2015.
- Rudi-Roth-Preise vergeben. Kleine Zeitung. 12 June 2015.
In 2014 – together with Stefanie Lerch, Heide Bruckner, Kian Mintz-Woo and Matthias Damert – I set up a network for National and International PhD students at the University of Graz. Below is a short report on the first International PhD Networking event at the University of Graz:
First cross-border network meeting of doctoral students of the University of Graz. Universität Graz. 15 December 2014. Online and print.